As 2017 came to a close, I struggled to come up with what word I wanted for 2018. I ended up opening this idea up to my facebook followers, asking for some feedback. There were some great words suggested but two in particular stood out to me. The first word was CONQUER. I like this word for many reasons. It applies to archery and my goals there (definitions include: defeat, beat, vanquish, trounce, annihilate, triumph over, be victorious over), but it also can be applied in other areas of my life (other definitions include: seize, climb, curb, and overcome). For example, I have a lot of fears (deathly afraid of heights probably being #1), which is one reason I chose the word fearless last year. And while I worked on tackling some of my fears and pushing myself to try things, I would like to take this a step further and actually conquer them.
Second, I had a few people suggest the word enjoy. I liked this word, but it didn’t quite fit what I was looking for, so I decided to slightly alter it. Instead I chose JOY for my second word. Much like conquer, there are many words synonymous with joy; delight, great pleasure, jubilation, triumph, exultation, rejoicing, and happiness. Many people think I am a pessimist, but in truth, I am just a realist. However, I recognize that sometimes that doesn’t leave me too optimistic about things. I’ve always felt like I am someone with NO LUCK, but guess what? The third definition of joy mean satisfaction, luck, successful/positive result, accomplishment, or achievement. I am going to work hard this year to find the joy (pleasure, delight, treat, and thrill) in the things I do, and eliminate some of those that don’t.
Do you have a word or words to focus your energy on in 2018? If so, I’d love for you to share them in the comments below. In fact, one lucky person may be selected to win something fun from me just for commenting 😉
Here is to a great 2018!
Hi Crystal! This idea of choosing one word is inspiring so I am going to follow your example and do it myself. The word that I have chosen is TRUST. I believe that for an archer (for anyone, but in particular for an archer) trusting is key. Trust that your training will pay. Trust your coach. Trust your skills. Trust your bow and gear in general. Trust that the arrows will go in the middle… I trust that this is going to help… thanks!!!
We havent met, but I’ve been into archery for a long time and have enjoyed your posts this year.
I have used words to focus on as well. My personal favorite and go to word is ‘Believe’. In particular, I used ‘Believe and Achieve’ as my mantra many times.
Wishing you continued success!
My word for this year is “Home.” This year is all about coming home to myself, to my shot, to my values and to more “being” and less “doing”. Love your words!