Year in Review
Year in Review

Year in Review

Yes, I’m a little behind in getting this post up, but I decided to truly enjoy my time off with family this Christmas/New Years. For those looking for my recaps from the Bangkok World Cup and the US World Team Trials, you will have to wait a little longer, sorry!

I think it is always important at the end of a year (or season) to reflect on the past year. In doing so, you not only can better see your strengths and weaknesses, but it can also help you in creating your new goals for the following season. I think this is an important step that all too many people fail to take.


For me, looking back on this past year has not only given me motivation for 2016, but it also has allowed me to be happier with the season I had, after ending less than happy with my performance.

Since I am a “math head” let me start with the numbers. For the 2014/2015 indoor and 2015 outdoor season, here are some stats:

-I competed in 31 tournaments in 11 countries and 18 states.
-Ranked #1 for Indoor World Cup Finals, finishing 2nd
-Achieved #1 ranking in US
-Reached as high as #2 in the World rankings (currently #4)

World Rank

-Won 8 events, including getting my first national title
-9 Silver Medals, including all three USA Archery National Events (indoor, outdoor, field)
-6 Bronze Medals
-Broke my indoor 600 round pb and tied my outdoor 720 pb score twice
-Qualified for Outdoor World Cup Finals, a HUGE goal of mine!

Yes, there were many disappointments during the year, but if I look at the goals I wrote out at the beginning of the season, I can feel much better about how things ended. Here is an actual list I emailed to a sponsor when I was asked about my top goals for the year:

-qualify as top American in at least 2/4 world cups, so I can shoot mixed team event
-check (was top 3 out of 4)
-earn a spot in the World Cup finals for both indoor and outdoor
-make the US world championship team
-shoot a world record score in a tournament
-didn’t achieve
-top 10 world ranking (not 100% sure this is possible with the 2 year rolling cycling, without doing the full calculations)
-continue to mentor/encourage young females in the sport
-increase coaching responsibilities

You will notice I didn’t achieve all of my goals, which I think is a good thing. If you always reach all of your goals, then you probably aren’t setting them high enough. Dream big, push forward and stretch yourself and your goals, it will make you that much better in the process!

Even with the success I had, I feel like there are a lot of things I can improve upon. One of the biggest for me is becoming a better “team round” shooter. I’ve always struggled to get into my own rhythm during this fast paced environment, and I HATE letting the team down. Second, is keeping my extra gear in finals matches. I’ve found I have the killer instinct during most elimination matches, but then I tend to relax too much in the finals. And lastly, I need to find better ways of testing equipment, so I’m not costing myself tournaments with poor choices in setup.


Turning to 2016, you are probably wondering what my goals are. I can honestly say they are still a work in progress. This year I’m taking a step back and re-assessing things based on finances. I have to balance wanting to do it all and be the best, with keeping my employer happy and staying sane. A lot for me will depend on what funding is available to me, and the amount of travel involved. I WILL tell you that one of my goals is to win Indoor World Championships. After coming up just short this past summer, outdoors, I am itching for that World title more than ever!

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